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complex solutions simplified

Language Labs provides organisations with the tools and expertise needed to navigate the complexities of educational technology. Whether you’re a corporate, government, or educational institution, our curated content and expert services offer a streamlined approach to learning project management. From off-the-shelf solutions to bespoke digital innovations, we are here to support your organisation in achieving its educational goals with precision and professionalism.

products and services

full ADDIE production

While rapid development methods are suitable for some training, large-scale projects still require ADDIE. Language Labs offers expert support at every step within the process.


High-quality multimedia assets including branded instructional videos, edited narration, animated infographics, digital artwork, AI-generated talking heads and more.

lift and shift

Transfer existing training from one format to another, migrate to a new LMS, and improve educational content, interactivity, and aesthetics.


Elevate the quality of training, engaging audiences emotionally and cognitively. Interactive content includes anything from simple hotspots to fully interactive games 

backend development

Build courses within your LMS or embed externally developed SCORM-conformant packages. For more powerful and meaningful insights, add an LRS with xAPI reporting.


Report and analyse simple SCORM completion data and scores or gain insights on cohort experiences and behaviours with complete xAPI based learning analytics.